Add Ons

Add any or all of these additiaonl feature to your Birthday or Family Party Package.


Do you need face painting before and/or balloon animals after the magic show?  Contact Zack to find out how to go about adding one or both of these options to your party.

Zack has face painters and balloon artists he works with at a variety of events and he can get you connected!

Zack is himself phasing out of ballooning for a variety of reasons.  As fun as balloon animals can be, there are also unfortunate realities associated with them.  The quality of animal balloons is decreasing over the years and they pop more and more.  They pop within seconds to minutes of being made and even worse, they don’t survive the car ride home!  This leaves children upset and crying after a fun time at the magic show…  Best case scenario, they last a couple days and end up in the trash.

In addition to that, more and more venues are starting to prohibit the use of balloons for environmental reasons.  Littered broken balloons can be deadly to animals.

So, instead of balloons, Zack has begun a new FUN addition to the available options.  Zack can both create for the kids and TEACH the creation of simple to do “Magic Crafts” where a variety of items are constructed using simple craft supplies like colorful craft pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks and craft tissue.

These are not only a blast to create but they also last  lot longer than balloons!




Back for 2023 is the NEW and IMPROVED Pre-Show BUBBLE PARTY experience!

Imagine for 10-15 minutes leading up to the big show, instead of the kids waiting in boredom for the show to start, the fun and uplifting music starts and thousands upon thousands of bubbles begin shooting into the air!  The high quality, non-toxic amazing bubbles shower rapidly from up to 3 different machines across the stage area providing over 500,000 bubbles for the kids to play in!

The pre-show bubble party can be done outdoors and even in some indoor environments.

It’s the PERFECT opening act for the magic show and gets the kids really excited to continue to have some fun!

Add the amazing pre-show bubble party to your event for only $50!


Why are these “Basic” DJ services?  Because Zack does not currently provide Karaoke equipment or anything that REQUIRES an AC outlet to power the entire system.  It is all run from powerful rechargeable battery power for up to 2 hours and almost all lighting is built into the speakers.  Because of this, the wattage of the PA speakers is not as powerful (loud) as what you may be used to for various events where DJs have played music, however Zack’s complete system packs a surprising punch for being a 12v – 500w (2000w max – along with 2 additional 80w speakers) set-up! 

Finally, when needed, the party location/venue is responsible for holding any BMI/ASCAP, etc. licensing.  Zack does not carry these credentials, so this also helps save you $ because unlike most DJs, this does not need to be included into your fee.  Rates start as low as $200!

Reliable WiFi log-in information is needed for DJ services.

Contact Zack for the additional price of this FUN add-on!


For 15+ minutes, after the magic show, Zack teaches the kids how to do at least 3 different, super easy to learn AMAZING magic tricks! Even if your child is a magic fan and does a little magic, chances are, these tricks will be new to her/him. They will not only learn to AMAZE people with these fun tricks, but they will learn some of the keys to performing, in general, as well as terminology.

They will also receive some of the props, needed to perform the tricks!  The rest of the props are usually things that are easily found around the house.

The fee for this add-on partially depends on the number of children in attendance but starts at only $50.00.